Saturday, January 9, 2010

Happy 2010!!

Gavin's christmas time with Auntie Daydee

Gavin's Christmas with Kim's parents

Gavin had his first muisc lesson with Daddy. Here we let him play the guitar and listen to what he was playing on the headphones, softly of course. We're not that bad of parents.

First time Gavin had Cheerios without gagging and throwing them up all over the place.

Santa Claus came to town.....well mini santa.

Gavin's Christmas picture with Santa.

the whole Hamilton family, surviving the holidays!

So here we are another year is upon us. My new year's resolution is to be a better blogger. I'm off to a great start. It only took me 9 days into the new year to get on the computer. Hey its hard with a kid ok? Things that use to be so easy to do are now damn near impossible. Like blogging, scrapbooking, you know all the things that I use to enjoy.

Our holidays were tons of fun and busy busy busy. We only had a few days off before Liz had to be back to work so we drove to California for Friday, Sat, and Sun of the Christmas weekend. Gavin did so much better in the car this time than he did in september. Speaking of that little monkey, Gavin is a speed demon crawler now. Turn your back and that guy is gone! And I swear we got 100 toys for him to play with now, and he only wants to play with whatever I have at the time. His new favorite thing is the dishwasher. He likes to standup and roll the shelf things out and back. Just the other night, he actually grabbed onto the top shelf and tried to pull himself up. Now you know why I call him monkey. He finally got all his teeth in, so breastfeeding is DONE! I'm a strict pumper outter now.

Kim got a new job. Finally! He's so excited to be back at work. Its part time which works out better for us in the long run, so Gavin can stay home with him a little bit and doesn't have to go to Kindercare full time just yet. He got a job as a bank teller at Bank of America! He's so happy going to work in nice slacks and a tie. I wish you guys all could have seen his face when we went shopping for nice dress shirts. Liz is still working at KinderCare with those damn 2-year olds. The plus side of the job is that I have so much confidence in potty training now.

ANyways, hope you guys enjoy the pics and keep in touch with us.

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