Thursday, December 11, 2008

week 21

Boy, do we have a mover and a shaker. Its a true California kid growing in my belly right now, he's all about going 90mph during an earthquake. I think that is going to be his nickname, Earthquake. I've been able to feel him move around, started about 2 weeks ago, the feelings are getting stronger and are happening more and more often. Its more than just the fluttering now. He's straight up doing the backstroke and kicking around, lounging around inside his personal jucuzzi. He's a big and healthy boy. We had a dr appt yesterday. His heart rate was in the 140's. My weight gain is officially at 13 pounds. No comment. Its all for the baby is what I keep telling myself. He's growing and moving all around.
Kim and I have really got a new look on the pregnancy since we've felt the baby move. The first time Kim was able to feel a punch it was so exciting. It made this more than just, "Oh yeah we're pregnant". There's really a baby in there, our baby. Our little Gavin. It made it more exciting and now we are just filled with anticipation and fright.
I would like to give a big shout out to Heather. She gave me a HUGE bag full of 0-3 months boys clothes. Oh my gosh and she gave me all the little sports stuff that say "little slugger" and "future quarterback" plus, a bunch of clothes with little doggies like Crash on it. So big shout out, I think we're gonna be able to get by 0-3 months now. So we can now switch our focus to getting 3-6 and on now. Thank you Heather for having a baby 7 months before me!
Other then that, we're in full holiday swing. HOpefully everyone has gotten their christmas card by now. Let me know if you didn't, and I'll figure out why not. I'm getting ready to fly home for the holidays, Kim is unfortunetly not coming with me but because he's working now, he should be able to see the baby born. Then, we're out of the military and he'll be around all the time. Which is great, because I'm going my 9 months....he gets the next 9 months!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thursday, November 27, 2008

week 19

This is a bunch of crap. Let me explain further.....

When I wasn't pregnant, even with all the drinking and staying up late and waking up early to go to work, and the stresses of working and deployments.....when one day went by, I aged one day. No big deal. It was a day that went, a great day married to a great man with a great dog, I was happy with that one day.

BUT when you are day goes by and you age a fucking week. Two days go by and I've aged 2 weeks! So the whole of pregnancy, (we'll say 35 weeks, because I found out I was prego at 5weeks) 35 weeks, that's 245 days! That's 245 weeks in aging......thats 4 and a half years I've aged in those 9 months. And I can assure you right now, I have not enjoyed 4.5 years of life in these 9 months. Does anyone agree with me??

As for everything else that goes....I love being pregnant during the holidays. When I help myself to that extra plate at thanksgiving and that second helping of pie with extra whipped creme, no one judges you. Everyone just looks at you and says, "want thirds?" Its great.

We have another ultrasound coming up Dec. 17 so stand by for more pics of little man and some baby shower pics. Also more stats on our little slugger.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

week 17

So, stats on our little man:
He's freakin' huge! 8 inches long this worm. And he weighs 6 ounces. Now according to all the baby books, he's suppose to be 4-6 inches and no more than 4 oz. He's gigantic!
My belly is 32 inches around.
I have upgraded to 3 pillows. One between my knees, one to rest my head on, and one to put behind my back. Did you know, that after 16 weeks the mommy is not suppose to lay flat on her back anymore?? They say this because the major artery and vein that supply and remove blood from the lower half of your body runs through your diaphram. By laying on your back, the baby puts pressure on this artery and vein, causing them not to work as effectively. Thus a mommy will get leg cramps, vericose veins, swollen feet, poor circulation to the baby, and stuff.
My gosh, so much is changing when you're knocked up. My high risk doctor decided that we should keep the due date where its at April 27. But she said to prepare myself to go into labor 1-2 weeks early. Especially if he keeps his growth rate up, we should be expecting to see him sometime around mid April.
I wanted to let you know the things I miss the most.
1. sleeping on my stomach
2. caramel apple martinis
3. Sam Adam's Winter Lager beer
4. My morning cup of coffee that gave me that swift kick in the ass
5. corn dogs

thus far, 78 days sober, without even a drop of goodness.
Who else thinks that we should be able to just lay an egg?

Friday, November 7, 2008

ultrasound pictures

Its a boy!!! We're are so happy to know that we are going to be having a boy. The baseball world better get ready.....we've got a lil slugger on the way.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Men's Logic

So...Kim and I attended a "new mom and dad" class last week. It was 2 hours and informative. It wasn't your typical, this is what you need to eat pregnant class. It was more about shaken baby syndrome, SIDS, baby 1st aid, proper way to put in your car seat, how to properly change a diaper (Kim needed a lot of pointers on this one). But the best topic covered was, 101 things you need to do in your home to make it baby proof. This brings me to my men's logic. #83 on the list of 101 things, was "all speaker and home threatre system wires, need to be off the floor or securly tied together and secured to the floor so that baby won't trip or chew on them". Since Kim and I are moving, I understand this is not a "right now" thing we need to do. But I still leaned over and whispered to Kim, "that is something we definetly need to get done when we move" and Kim proceeds to whisper back...."nah, honey, we're going to go wireless". WTF??? we're not going wireless?? do you know how much we paid for what we've got?? and now we need something else?? does money grow on trees?? I don't understand this man's logic. If there is a man that could explain to me why, a perfectly good surround sound system is being booted just because its not wireless?? Kim had not further comment, that was all i got, "honey, we're going wireless, end of story" UGH! Men!

week 14

I’ve got a great story for you.

So Monday, October 20, and Tuesday, the 21st. I had like 4 doctor appointments. On Monday, my regular OB doctor told me that I’m right on schedule and everything looks great, baby is growing and all is good in the hood. So I said, “no you’re wrong doctor. My high risk doctor said that I’m further along than thought at first.” She gave me a disapproving eye, but agreed that maybe we should get an ultrasound done to find out for sure how far a long I am, and when the due date will be. So Monday, I schedule my ultrasound appointment for Tuesday. I’ve got dr. appts anyways at tripler, why not knock it out while I’m all ready there?
So Tuesday comes, Kim gets off work early. We’re this happy little couple skipping up to ultrasound, we’re gonna see our baby and life is going to be great! We get there, tell the receptionist my name, and she nicely looks up at me and says, “sorry mam, you’re not on the schedule for today”. Ok a simple misunderstanding… I say, “yes I am, I scheduled this yesterday, please check again”…….again this girl comes back with, “mam, I’m sorry you’re still not on here…I don’t know what to tell you” Ok, clearly its time for the big guns…..this girl is a moron that has no idea how to do her job. So I raise my voice a notch, get my arm motions going, look her straight in the eye and say, “Yes I am…..My name is Elizabeth Hamilton, I am pregnant, and I’m scheduled for a damn ultrasound today”…..then she gives me one of those looks, like, “honey, you’re crazy, go take your prenatal vitamin or something” so I flip it into bitch mode now (aka I put my Kirk voice on). So, I get on it now, “LISTEN LADY, I SCHEDULED THIS APPOINTMENT YESTERDAY AND ON THE PHONE THE LADY TOLD ME THAT MY APPOINTMENT WAS AT 3PM TODAY OCTOBER 22ND SO HERE I AM, SO LET ME LOOK AT THAT COMPUTER!” and as I say this last statement. Kim calmly grabs my arm, turns me away from the receptionist, leans in and whispers in my ear, “honey, tomorrow is the 22nd”. I was so embarrassed. I apologized to the lady and we rescheduled for November 5th. Oops.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

week 12, or is it?

Well week 12, let’s let everyone know what’s up.
The baby is growing, so is my belly. This week is the last week of my 1st trimester. Now word on the street is that 2nd trimester is “the best part of pregnancy”. You don’t have to pee as much, your energy comes back, and you get your pregnancy “glow”. Well, anytime that stuff wants to start, I’m more than ready for it. I’m tired of being tired, and I hate peeing, and as for my “glow”, its has been covered by the overwhelming about of pimples and zits playing “tag” across my face. So any time, I’m ready……anytime. The baby has full motion of its reflexes now. I haven’t felt anything other than tiny bubbles, but I’m excited for any kicks to my ribs.
My belly is measuring this week at: 31 inches around. Eewww.
Now, the high risk doctor appointment was 75% good and 25% bad. The good part, they did the ultrasound that I have so paitently been waiting for. And…..there is only 1 baby! Yeah! So no twins for this couple here. A huge bullet dodged. The other good news, the baby is measuring a whopping 5.73 inches long! What a worm huh? Because its so big, they said I am probably 15-17 weeks rather than 12 weeks. So go ahead take some time off my pregnancy I don’t mind. Totally good by me. So now, comes the bad. Because the due date moved back by 3-5 weeks, the due date is probably going to be the last week of March to the first week of April. Which means that Kim is probably not going to be there for the birth. He leaves on deployment in January 2009, and won’t be back until April 2009. If I can keep that sucker in there roasting long enough, then there is that chance Kim could make it. But the way it looks right now, we’re preparing ourselves for the worst. They didn't give us an exact gestational age, or an exact due date, so we're praying that it all works out for the best.
We made our prenatal class believe it or not! We learned nothing new. Everything I have all ready read in the prenatal books and stuff. But it was good we went because Kim, being a more “visual” learner learned a lot. He’s not a big fan of reading, so to see the power point, to hear it said, rather than just sit and read. Kim learned a lot.So until they know exactly how far along I am, I’m going to stick to the original week 12 for this week. But coming up soon, we should be skipping a few weeks. Keep you posted after the Oct. 20 and 21st doctor appointments.

Friday, October 3, 2008

week 11

Week 11
36 days sober.
2 pillows still, but asking Kim for a body pillow.

So Kim and I skipped the prenatal class. I couldn’t get off work and Kim couldn’t miss football practice. So we rescheduled it for next month. The biggest problem with Tripler, is their scheduling. There are so many military families, many which are expecting, you really don’t get a lot of flexibility from them when making appointments. We rescheduled our prenatal class to Thursday October 9. Kim is taking his SATs that day, so who knows if we'll make that one either. We maybe rescheduling it yet again.
I can’t fit into my cute little summer shorts anymore. Or my size 4 jeans. Or my jean skirt. That was a little sad. I decided to pack them up into a box because I’m not going to fit them until we move to Arizona sometime next summer. So I have a box of skinny clothes that gets an article of clothing thrown into it about every 3-4 days. That’s ok, one day…..ah! one day, things will be the same again. I am not in need of maternity clothes yet, I’m putting that off as long as possible. That stuff is expensive, and I need toilet paper!
Labs were this week. Hopefully based on my hormone levels they will be able to help us figure out how far along I am, because we’re still questioning if I really am 11 weeks. If I am 11 weeks, the baby is a little more than an inch long and weighs about 4 grams. So basically the size of a paper clip, and the weight of 4 paper clips. So cute. Bad news, the tail is officially gone this week. As the baby upgrades itself from an embryo to a fetus. So now, I am “liz and fetus”. I also decided that I am going to start keeping track of my belly growth from now on, so I can tell my docs how much its grown since today.
This week my belly is measuring at: 29 inches around. I measured along my belly button line. So no new news, but the high risk doctor is this Thursday. Hopefully they tell me something meaningful and exciting because I’m really starting to get impatient.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

week 9

I am so sorry I missed week 8. I decided to be productive and busy, therefore, totally spacing on the fact that I need to write a blog. I apologize. So here we go week 9.

So monday, september 22, marks the beginning of week 9. But we're starting to have doubts about whether I'm really at week 9. Last week 3 women, and these 3 women have no idea of each other, I know them in 3 different settings of my life......they all made a comment "oh, you're starting to show a little bump! you must be so excited?" Now, my immediate reaction was, "that's not funny at all" but my second reaction was...."I'm way too early to show anything." I'm only going on 9 weeks. So I turned to my trust pregnancy guide "What to Expect When You're Expecting" and that book gave me 2 options for what why I would be showing right now. #1. I am further along than I think. or #2. There is more than one baby in there (twins). hmm......

So I mentioned it to the OB clinic at Tripler Army Hospital. They decided that they are going to stick with my original due date for the time being, until they can do an ultra sound to measure my uterus and see the size of it. This will give us the clear idea on whether its twins or I'm further along then we thought. But because they are sticking to my original date, I don't get an ultra sound until after my 16th week, which is about 7 weeks from now. Other then that, they deicded with my medical past, they want me to be labeled "high risk" pregnancy for the time being. So we'll just have to wait this one out and keep an eye on this growing tummy of mine.

Upcoming dr. appts
Sept. 25 Thursday. Kim and I attend a Prenatal class.
Oct. 1 Wednesday. Go to get labs done
Oct. 9 Thursday. Meet with the high risk doctor
Oct. 20 Monday. Go in for doppler, pap, and physical

Other than that, I feel great. I'm totally in love with Skittles right now. I can't get enough of them. I ate a pound bag on my own last week. And i got another started for this week. I'm still loving peaches, grapes, and strawberries. Love my fresh fruit. Like fresh and juicy fruit is delicious to me right now. Kim made it known to me this week that he really wants to be in the delivery room, but he DOES NOT want to look in between my legs. I let him know that I think that's a great idea. The peeing has not subsided at all. If anything, its getting worse. We went to Costco and got the janitorial size toliet paper last week. I've all ready gone through 3 rolls. Its so depressing for the trees.
Well, we will write more and let everyone know what happens next week. Hopefully we'll get some insight to our little big tummy issue at our prenatal class. We'll keep you all posted.

Monday, September 8, 2008

week 7

So here it is, week 7. I'm not even in the double digits for number of weeks yet. Oh, I've got a long way to go.

The Oncologist appt went well last Thursday. They are nervous, because they no longer can use radiation techniques to search for masses or cancer spots. From here on out, its all about the blood work and feeling around my lymph nodes. They are nervous that my hormones are going to make everything go crazy, similiar to how it all went crazy during puberty. So, they are keeping a close eye on me and treating me like a little glass doll. But my latest blood work reported that everything was normal. White blood cells were normal, thyroid was normal. Get this, my LDL (the bad cholesterol) was low (I know, and I'm a Kirk). I have an appt. at Makalapa clinic this Thursday to get all registered and into the computers at Tripler Army Medical Center. Hopefully at this time they will give me my first appointment with the OB doctor. I'll keep you updated as Mission: Hamilton Baby unfolds.

So update with the baby. I pee. I pee so much, I am waking up 3 times a night just to take a leak. I am so done with peeing. It disrupts my sleep, it disrupts me when I'm playing my video game, and it disrupts my meals.I would say that I pee about once every hour. Do you know what its like to pee 24 times in one day? I went through a whole roll of toliet paper in 2 days. If this keeps up, I'm getting a catheter so I can just pee in a bag and get my full nights sleep again. I actually had the worst night of my adult life thus far the other night. I went to bed at 9pm. I woke up at 11pm and 1am to relieve my full bladder. At 3am, I was pissed now that I was waking up for the third time. I was so mad, half asleep, walking to the toliet again. I started to pee, when I noticed that my leg was itching me. So I itched, and itched. It started to get worst. Now, I was really upset, because I was going to have to turn "ON" the light. I braced myself, pissed and switched the light on. I had hives on my right leg from my knee to my ankle. I wanted to scream. I didn't know if I could take Benedryl, so I got the Calamine lotion instead. Slopped that on, flushed the toliet and went back to bed. I'm laying in bed on the verge of tears. Kim rolls over and says, "Is everything ok?" I loose it at this point. "No, everything is not OK! This is the 3rd time I've woken up to pee and I look like the pink panther! EVERYTHING IS NOT OK!" Kim bursts out laughing. I look back on the situation now, it was pretty funny, but at the time. I was ready to grab that machine gun again, and shoot the toliet.

Oh yeah, update on the baby, that's right. This week the baby is about 5mm big. Small buds are forming which will be the legs and arms. The heart has divided into right and left chambers. The primary bronchi have developed in the lungs. The appendix is present, as well as the pancreas. The tail has not fully disappeared yet. (yeah!) So with the little arm and leg buds, and the cute little tail still present, I would say that my embryo could be compared to a gecko right now.

Update on WIC, no word. That's 3 phone call into them, no phone calls out. I'm gonna need my machine gun again......

Also, 16 days sober. This kid better be healthy.

And I have decided to upgrade to using 2 pillows for maximum comfort while I sleep right now. Aunt Vanessa, I'll keep you updated on how many it takes in the future.

Also, just so everyone knows the stakes thus far......a source (we'll call them LN) has offered double presents if I have the baby on April 28. Also another source (well call AAO) has told me there is no greater day that April 22 to have a baby.

Ok friends and family. There is the update for week 7. Write more next week!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

week 6

Oh shit! I'm pregnant. That was my first reaction. The second, I should have listen to Heather when she told me to go to the bar on the way down to Makalapa clinic. Just in case they told me I was really pregnant.

But here we are. I am 6 weeks pregnant. Kim is sooooo excited, Kim's parents are even more sooooo excited.

So far, I can't say that I've had any monsterous cravings. I can't say that I'm starving or eating for two. Things feel mostly the same. Excpet for the fact that my tities are killing me! I can't take my bra off with out giving a little, "ooh!" or "ouch!" I have been so lucky to not having any morning sickness or nausea, but we shall see if my stomach holds up. One woman, and I won't point any fingers, asked me how I was doing the other day. I replied, "great! Morning sickness hasn't hit me yet" she felt the need to say, "oh, are you sure you are pregnant then?" I wanted to say, "bitch, you think I put up a forcefield around my tities and my period is just on a vacation becuz I'm not sure I'm pregnant? Get off the planet!" but what I actually did was just leave.

Other things I've noticed is my lack of sex drive. poor kim. He's noticed more than me, he's actually the one that pointed it out.

So week 6 comes with a bunch of fun things. One being that the baby in my uterus has a tail. Good things! The tail will eventually become non exsistant, but in the mean time I like to report that my embryo has a tail. The other thing that is coming is an Oncologist/Internal Medicine Dr. appt this thursday. You'll have to wait and read about week 7 to find out what happened there.
As for the moodiness and such, I like to think I've kept the hormones at bay. The only time I've really felt like grabbing a machine gun, was when i called WIC and they didn't call me back that same day. I WANT MY FREE GOODS!

Anyways, that's all for week 6. Just a little bit pregnant. I'll let you guys know what happens when week 7 comes around. WIC better call me back by then.

So far, 10 days sober.