Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Our River Trip

Here is naked Crash, trying to beat the heat. Don't know if you keep up with the weather nationwide, but in Arizona, it was 110 degrees today. I just about melted. Needless to say, Crash, Gavin and I spend a lot of time indoors.

What did Gavin do at the river? Eat, Slept, and Pooped. Well, he did do more then that, he's finally getting to an age where there is some personality. But this picture was too cute to pass up. He's wearing his aloha shirt for the first time.

Liz and Kim on the Sea-doo. Kim drove so slow in the beginning. It took him awhile to warm up to the watercraft. But once he did, there was no stopping him!

Getting ready to hit the river! Kim and Liz on the Sea-doo.

This is Taco and Christina on the Sea-doo.
The River was so much fun. We are definetly going to go back soon. Just after the job situation is a little more successful.

BTW, we had this thought while driving out to Laughlin. Gavin has been to Hawaii, California, Arizona, Florida, Nevada, with layovers in Georgia and Texas. That's 7 states. Not bad for a kid that's only 2.5 months old.
So we made it with Gavin 10 weeks now. Its had its ups and downs. Gavin still doesn't sleep through the night. I've thought about giving up breastfeeding 100 times, but still haven't done it yet. And we made it though our first round of shots. Thank you to all of our family and friends that have supported us with Gavin accessories, baby advice for Kim and I, and your love. We really appreciate it during these tough times.
Write again later.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Gavin's 2 months old

So today we had Gavin's 2 month old well baby visit.

Oh my gosh my heart broke when they gave him shots. 5! 5 shots today. My son is not a pin cushion thank you very much! I hate that they have to immunize today's children! The whole time (whole time being appro. 15 seconds long) I wanted to scream "Stop! Stop! we'll finish the rest tomorrow." He just kept crying and crying. The pediatrician's office knew what they were doing though. They had 2 girls giving the shots at the same time. So one girl had 3 shots the other had 2, and they were going at the same time to get it over with faster. Oh it was just heart wrenching. And I have to do this again at 4 months, 6 months and a year. Screw that, Kim can take him to the dr. appts from here on out. That was really hard.

But growth wise, our little chunky monkey, is now 13.5 pounds. He can have a whole drop of baby tylenol for his pain tonight with the shots! A whole drop! He is 25 inches long. His head has grown to 16 inches around. He placed above the 95% on his height, above 75% on his weight, and above 80% on his head size. So he's all in all, a healthy baby boy.

As for Kim and I, we are still unemployed. I have been offered a job as a 2-year old lead teacher at a preschool. They do not offer infant child care discounts, only after they turn a year. So we're still debating on if we should take that job or not. Kim has got a call back from Auto Zone (get in the zone, auto zone!) about more references, but not confirming a job. We decided that if Auto Zone doesn't call back by tomorrow with something, then I'm going to take the preschool teaching job and Kim is gonna have to stay home and be Mr. Mom.

Arizona is freaking hot! We're not adjusting to this well at all. Crash got shaved on Tuesday, so he's naked. And Gavin can't go more than 2 diapers without baby powder or its diaper rash central. We Hamiltons are not designed for 101 degrees and more. But this weekend, Taco and Christina are taking us to Laughlin. So hopefully the river out there will cool us off. Kim and I have been getting a little depressed and frustrated with the job searching. Well Kim more than me, but noneless, we're frustrated. This economy is stupid. Companies are looking for cheap labor, but you know what, there are families out there. Families that need health insurance, families that need diapers, families that need money. And its hard right now to find a job. But we know that God has us in his hands and he's got a plan for us. So we put our faith and trust in Him.

Well check back next week, I'll get some river pictures up, and you've got to see naked Crash. Sorry it took me so long to blog again. You try having a kid and finding time. No, seriously, I promise to be back next week.

Breast milk to the rescue

I think I have stumbled across the greatest cure all medicine. Breastmilk. I am going to put it on every cut, sore, and rash from here on out. Now I know a lot of you are thinking, "thats disgusting" and if you read my blog about my breastfeeding class you'd know, that I was once in those shoes. There was nothing more disgusting to me than breastmilk. Well, I have a story for you that changed my perspective and made me a boobie believer!

So Gavin was about a month old. And he wakes up from a 4 hour period of sleep with a bunch of gunk in his eye. Ok-gunk in the eye.....holy shit pink eye! Thats the first thing that popped into my head. So I start thinking, maybe its just sleepys in his eye, and it will go away. So we wipe it away and go about our day. Until Gavin takes another nap and wakes up with double the gunk, so much now that its stringy between his upper and lower eyelid. Ok, full on pink eye! So I'm thinking in my head, our temporary insurance hasn't kicked in yet, we can't go to the emergency room. He's a month old, his poor little immune system.....oh my gosh, he's going to loose his eye if I don't do something!
So what do you do when you have a burning question and no medical google it on the computer. So we googled. And what did google come back with. Put breastmilk in the eye. My first reaction.....hell no! that's disgusting. But then I saw Gavin's eye, it was awful. I felt like such crap for letting it get this bad and I felt even more like crap because there is something I can do about it, and I haven't. So I give the eye a little juice. What do you know? It like melted all the gunk away within minutes. We put a warm wash cloth on the eye and wiped away remaining gunk. It was amazing. So everytime I fed him for 24 hours I put a little breastmilk in his eye, and the pnk eye never came back.
So I chamged my mind about disgusting boobie juice. If it weren't from breastmilk, my son would have lost his eye. Well maybe not lost his eye, but it would have been bad.