Sunday, September 20, 2009

5 month update

Aloha Friends and Family!!! Happy September!

SO Gavin turned 5 months on Friday! With that 5-month birthday, we thought we'd introduce the high chair! He's been eating rice cereal really well for the past couple weeks, so we thought we'd keep introducing more solid foods to the little man and with that, comes a high chair!

Gavin is getting so big and so much more active. He can roll, scoot, and worm along on the floor. Hopefully crawling is in the near future. He's getting really heavy to carry around all the time. He loves to lay on his tummy and play with a toy in front of him. His favorite toy is his baseball.

Along with playing on the floor, Gavin's other favorite thing to do is bounce around in his little jumper thingy. He jumps in this for hours! He laughs when he gets a big bounce going on. One of Kim's favorite things to do is put Gavin in his jumper and play the guitar for him. Gavin will laugh and talk all the time in his bouncer. More than anything, it wears him out :)

So we are getting the heck outta of Arizona. We had another run in with Arizona wildlife. Only this time it was in our garage. It was a stormy monsoony night, the total works, thunder & lightening, rain, everything, it was awful. Auntie Christina goes out into the garage to put her car outside and get some free car washing going on. And out of nowhere comes this HUGE, Wild Looking, Menacing SCOPRION! I don't mind cockroaches, centipedes, spiders, and ants, but a mf-ing scorpion is not ok with me. Maybe its because of Gavin, maybe its because of Crash, but I turned into this crazy wild killing machine when I saw that scoprion. Needless to say, it got away from me, went under the car. I haven't been back in the garage since.
Kim is doing really really well in his college courses. He's working hard on homework and studying for tests, but he's doing the damn thing! And I am really proud of him. Work is going for Liz. Working at a preschool is hard work. But at the end of the day when a parent says, "In the last month my child's vocabulary has really taken off" it makes it all worth it. Gavin started coming to work with Mommy on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday so Daddy can make it to baseball practice and have time to study. Gavin spends time in the infant room playing with the state of the art baby things that a day care can afford and Mommy and Daddy can't. All in all, we Hamiltons are in a rut, in a bit of hole, but we're working ourselves out of it. We're taking it a day at a time and enjoying the time we get together.
We're gonna be headed to California for the weekend of September 26. Our schedule is pretty packed for that weekend so far. Saturday we've got a Fiedler Family Reunion and then Sunday we're going to take Crash to Huntington Beach. We've got to head back to Phoenix by 2-3pm on Sunday. Happy Birthday to Nolan Fisher that weekend! Sorry we can't be there. But be sure to tell your mommy to send auntie liz lots of pictures. And go ahead and face plant that cupcake!
Take care of each other all you friends and family out there. Keep in touch with us and your lives. We love you all. xoxox.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Let the teething begin!

So here it is:
Friday, September 4 we have Gavin's first tooth in sight. Its what appears to me, as the bottom left tooth. It hasn't totally cut through to the surface yet, but I can see it and I can feel the top of it with my finger. Those little teeth are sharp!
So as for our Labor day weekend, it consisted of Baby Tylenol, Chilled teething rings and burp rags. Gavin's druel totally picked up. I thought he was druelly before this, oh he is druelly now. And his druel changed to a much thicker slime. He's got mild poopyness, and a temp in the 99s. Only today, Sunday, did it break 100. But its been real low grade fever. 100.3 exactly. Other then that, we're just hanging out waiting for the tooth to break to the surface. Every day since Friday, it comes up a little bit more and a little bit more. It's almost completely to the surface now on Sunday night. He has been slightly cranky and he has no appetite what so ever. He's eating his rice cereal all right, not as good as normal. And he's really not taking to my nipples or his bottles well at all. I'm not too worried about him not taking to my nipples because as soon as these teeth pop through, I'm done with the breast feeding. I'll go to only pumping. Right now I split it up 50/50, but it'll go 100% if he's got teeth.
If you have any pearls of wisdom or advice that I can use to get me through this teething time, all is appreciated. So far we've been all right, but I feel like its the calm before the storm. Ok, I'll blog again soon and let you know how we're holding up in our time of teething.

A day in the swimming pool

Mommy and Daddy trying to beat the Arizona heat.

Liz and the Gavitron

Can't help but kiss those chubby cheeks.

The Hamiltons in the Arizona pool, not at the Hawaiian beach


Floatin' around like I'm on a lazy river

I love my turtle!