Saturday, February 28, 2009

week 33

So tomorrow starts week 33. Awesome.

These braxton-Hicks things.....where my belly gets all tight and crampy, for a minute or two then lets up.....yeah, they've either gotta get stronger and get going or they need to f-ing stop. The little man hates them, he starts really kicking, bouncing on my cervix, gets his foot stuck in my ribs, and so on. I'd be ok with it, if they were getting stronger and it was a step closer to meeting our little slugger, but they aren't. Its almost like God is laughing at me everytime he gives me a braxton-hicks contraction. They are becoming more frequent, at least 2 or 3 times a day, so i guess its a good thing. But damn!
Measurements are thus far:
39 inches around the belly on the belly button line
187 days sober
32 inches fundal height
30 pounds in weight gain
We have a drs. appt this upcoming friday, so check for another blog next weekend.

Monday, February 23, 2009

A Time of Acceptance

SO great new story for you....

I parked our car in a parking lot the other day, as I was going into the uniform shop to get some uniforms Kim needed. And you know how when you get out of a car, you usually go hip first and slide out? Well, when you're as pregnant as I you slide out of the car.....and you parked maybe a little too close to the car next to you, you get stuck. Yes, I was stuck. And as I looked down at my giant bump and saw that I couldn't get through.....the first thing that crossed my mind was, "you know 2 weeks ago, I probably would have fit through this".......because somewhere from week 28-31, I blew up! And so....I wiggle myself free and back into the car, and I just break into tears. And I'm crying because I got stuck! I was so upset that I got stuck! So.....I gather myself after a good cry, give myself a peptalk, decide.....Ok, let's go for round 2. So, I open the door again, and this time, instead of going hip first (and risk getting stuck again) I went belly first. And as I walk out of the car, I fit with ease. It was just as awful as getting stuck. Who fits belly first as a opposed to hip first? Who? It was awful. So as I go into the uniform the shop and get Kim his uniforms, I realize that being huge is part of being pregnant. I accepted the fact that I'm probably going to get stuck in a couple more places. Its only 2 more months, and then I won't get stuck anymore. I can't handle getting stuck anymore after that.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bestest News ever

Kim's not going on deployment!

We got the news on friday afternoon. We ran into his CHENG (Chief Engineer on the ship) and his CHENG gave us the awesome news. So I won't have to be as big as a Walrus and take care of Crash, and have a garage sale, and move our stuff, all by myself anymore! For once, and this is the only time I've ever said this........the Navy finally did something right.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

week 30

Oh let's get this show on the road all ready!

I'm out of breath all the time. I get dressed, I'm outta breath. I take a shower, I'm outta breath. I laugh a little too hard, I'm outta breath, I can't breathe!!! But I sure can eat! I'm eating as much as Kim is these days. I love the $5 footlongs from Subway.
My doctor's appointment today went really well. Not dilated or anything, good news. My fundal was measuring at 31cm, and weight gain is still going up and up. The baby was taking a nap during my appt today and his heart rate was 130's. And just by feeling him, the doc guesses that he is head down thus far. But all together a great appt.
Rollie Polei Olie, aka, Gavin, is just a rolling ball of fun in my tummy. Its to a point now were we can watch him roll across my tummy. You no longer need to put your hand on and feel him move, you can see his butt roll right along my belly button. Oh and the cutest thing! He's so much like me all ready, he's a hiccup man! So far, he's had the hiccups 3 times (that I know of). Its so cute its like just little bump, bump, bump, like a rhythm. I thought at first, man this guy can carry a beat, tapping his fingers and toes like that, but then the dr told me he most likely had the hiccups the whole time, who knows if he has a rhythm or not yet.
On my way out my dr asked that I sign up for a breatfeeding class (mar.27th) and our labor and delivery tour (mar. 23rd) and got my 2 appointments set up for March (mar. 6th and Mar. 23rd) so March looks like its going to be a busy month for me and baby, but bring it on. I'm ready to go this show on the road, ready to meet our little man.
Ok more to come as the guy kicks my ribs and we go to our march dr appts.

belly pics

Pro Bowl tailgators

week 30, yes I'm tired

week 28