Tuesday, February 23, 2010

the Fallen Jump-A-Roo

Well after 5 months of great usage, the Jump-A-Roo has finally broken. The straps holding the back part of the seat to the plastic jumper part, have snapped. The threads have been shredded. We can't complain, as Auntie Amy in Hawaii got us the Jumper for free....but it sucks not having that anymore. He loved that thing and it made our lives so much easier to vacuum and go to the bathroom, because we knew Gavin was contained. What are we gonna do now? Luckily, it broke while Grandma Tutu was watching Gavin. So Gavin got extra hugs and kisses when he fell through it. I think he may have exceeded the weight limit.......

Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Day in the Life of Gavin R.E. Hamilton

I like to wake up at 5am.....its the best time to wake up mommy because its 30 minutes from when she actually has to be up. So mommy and I wake up at 5am, and we spend about 30 minutes rocking, talking in the dark, and drinking milk.
At 5:30am, I'm ready to wake up officially, I crawl around my house, watch my mommy get ready for work, and finish my morning bottle. Mommy usually gives me a cereal bar to eat.
6:30am is usually my pooping time.
At 7:15am, my mommy and I go to school/work. I say good bye to Daddy, give him hugs and kisses, well slobbery mouth kisses
At 8:30am I usually take my morning nap.
At 9:30am I like to eat my 2nd breakfast, oatmeal and baby food fruit.
From 10 til 1:30pm, I OWN the infant room at KinderCare. I stomp over all the babies and push toys into walls. Its good times in the infant room. Most of the other babies in with me are 6 months and younger. I like when Abbey comes to school, she's 14 months, we play peek-a-boo and hit each other our blankets. Hopefully other teacher's or other visitors come in and visit me because I like to flirt with all the girls, even ones I'm related to, and get hugs. I enjoy attention and being the cutest baby ever. Most people would call me "charming".

At 1:30pm, I am so hungry from all my destroying that I like to eat lunch now. Shortly after I eat lunch, I poop a really big poop. After all that playing, all that eating, and my giant poop, I start feeling tired, so I get really whiny.
From 2pm til 330pm, I sleep.
Mommy usually gets off work between 4:30pm and 5pm, so then we go home and I need a snack, or I'll be hungry and I WILL LET YOU KNOW IT. Gerber puffs are my favorite snack. Mommy calls them my "Magical Puffs" because she says that they make me happy no matter what. Mommy hasn't figured out that if she just keeps my tummy happy, lets me sleep often, entertains me, gives me everything I want, and dresses me cool, then I'm straight chillin'. What an amateur this Mommy is.
Around 5:15pm, Mommy and I then take Crash for a walk. Mommy puts me in a Baby Bjorn for our walks. I like to look out and see the world while still being close to Mommy. I'm getting bigger and putting on more weight so I hurt my mommy's back a lot. And I don't like to sit in my stroller for a long time because I get sooooooo bored, so that's not an option.
By 6pm we are home and ready to start getting dinner ready. While Mommy's busy doing that, I like to pull out EVERYTHING Mommy has in the bottom row of cabinets. This includes all Mommy's Tupperware, pots and pans, the juice pitcher, and mixing bowls. I love being a baby.

Usually around 6pm, Daddy comes home from work!
Dinner is served promptly at 6:30pm, and its a good thing because I'm starving by then. I eat a jar of meats, a jar of veggies, more puffs, and some stuff off Mommy's plate. I say bye to Daddy as he runs off to school.
My bath is right after that, but sometimes my Mommy lets me crawl around a little bit if I haven't pooped yet. This one time, Mommy didn't wait for my poop and we went straight from dinner to the bath and guess what I did......
At 7:30pm I am tired, I want to rock with my Mommy and drink my last bottle. We brush my teeth and go to bed. My Mommy usually sings me "sleep tight, and good night" as I'm falling asleep. And as long as I've had that, then I won't fuss going down. Sometimes I don't even go to sleep when my mom and dad thing I'm sleeping, I'll stay up and talk to myself for a couple minutes. Once my Mommy and Daddy tried to keep me up, idiots, so I reached my melt down time, which is exactly at 8pm.

All in all, I have a really great life, these people keep trying to get me to walk by myself, but they don't realize that I can walk all ready, I'm just too lazy to, and I like being held. I can't wait to get up and do this all again tomorrow.

Gavin's 1st Valentine's Day

I am a gangsta!

Just kidding, I'm actually a really sweet boy.

Its the Hamiltons on Valentine's Day!

Auntie Daydee was the best Valentine's Day date ever!

I love my mommy cause she cleans up my poop!

Happy late Valentine's day to all our friends and family! I have to say, Gavin had a wonderful Valentine's Day and believe it or not.....so did his mom and dad! Gavin's date (auntie Daydee) came over about 4pm.....they played, sang songs, texted, and ate a romantic dinner. I believe they watched a movie as well after dinner, Baby Einstein anyone? Meanwhile, mom and dad got an Olive Garden dinner, (Liz has been waiting for this since they moved to AZ) and went to the movies and watched "Valentine's Day" with all star cast of 112 people. Excellent movie by the way. Tears at the end. Anyways, hope February find everyone happy, well, healthy, and prosperous. Keep in touch.