Monday, February 23, 2009

A Time of Acceptance

SO great new story for you....

I parked our car in a parking lot the other day, as I was going into the uniform shop to get some uniforms Kim needed. And you know how when you get out of a car, you usually go hip first and slide out? Well, when you're as pregnant as I you slide out of the car.....and you parked maybe a little too close to the car next to you, you get stuck. Yes, I was stuck. And as I looked down at my giant bump and saw that I couldn't get through.....the first thing that crossed my mind was, "you know 2 weeks ago, I probably would have fit through this".......because somewhere from week 28-31, I blew up! And so....I wiggle myself free and back into the car, and I just break into tears. And I'm crying because I got stuck! I was so upset that I got stuck! So.....I gather myself after a good cry, give myself a peptalk, decide.....Ok, let's go for round 2. So, I open the door again, and this time, instead of going hip first (and risk getting stuck again) I went belly first. And as I walk out of the car, I fit with ease. It was just as awful as getting stuck. Who fits belly first as a opposed to hip first? Who? It was awful. So as I go into the uniform the shop and get Kim his uniforms, I realize that being huge is part of being pregnant. I accepted the fact that I'm probably going to get stuck in a couple more places. Its only 2 more months, and then I won't get stuck anymore. I can't handle getting stuck anymore after that.


Anonymous said...

Deep breaths, its going to be ok. Once you hold that beautiful baby in your arms, it will all be worth it!


Anonymous said...

Oh...the joys of pregnancy!!! just realize that in the end, getting stuck, blowing up like a balloon, and being outta breath, IS ALL WORTH IT!!!!! :o) you beautiful baby will be here soon and all will go back to normal.